Various agrometeorological products
- South African Weather Service provides fire danger index(FDI) and seasonal climate watch which includes advisory, recommendation, state of climate drivers, climate forecast details on rainfall, minimum and maximum temperature. As well, a monthly drought bulletin.
- Fire Danger Index (FDI)map
- Seasonal climate watch includes advisory, recommendation, state of climate drivers, climate forecast details on rainfall, minimum and maximum temperature.
- Monthly Drought Bulletin
The Soil, Climate and Water division of Agricultural Research Council(ARC) provides monthly agrometeorological bulletin. It contains rainfall, standardized precipitation index, rainfall deciles, water balance, vegetation conditions, vegetation condition index, vegetation conditions and rainfall, fire watch and agroclimatology.
Agromet Bulletins:
The Crop Estimates Committee(CEC) archive
This bulletin contains final area and crop figures of winter or summer crops, area planted and production forecast of winter crops or summer crops.
CEC bulletins: