Several Agrometeorological Products
Monthly Agrometeorological Report (in Slovene)
The Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (Agencija Republike Slovenije za okolje) has an agrometeorological division that provides several services including: agrometeorological monitoring and observations, long-term report on agrometeorological variables, phenological development of plant, daily agrometeorological variables, etc.
Information and Products provided are: (In Slovene only)
- Weather and climate – agrometeorology This section provides phenological data for 10year average, current year, previos year.
- Agro-meteorological data Air temperature, soil temperature, and water balance information can be found in this section.
- Agro-meteorological data (Graphics) This section displays charts of soil temperature and moisture at a depth of 5 and 10 cm and soil surface conditions (hourly data) at the main synoptic stations in Slovenia.