Several Agrometeorological Products
Agrometeorology Web Site (in Serbian, English and Latin)
The Agrometeorological division of Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia produces several products including 7-day, 10-day, and monthly agrometeorological bulletins in Serbian language. These bulletins include the analyses of the influence of meteorological factors on the development, growth, and yield of crops. This web site provides a number of information in English and Latin as well.
Information and Products provided are:
- 7-day Agrometeorological bulletin
- 10-day Agrometeorological review
- Monthly Agrometeorological bulletin for the previos month
- Annual agrometeorological analysis of the previous production year
- Products of the model CROP-SYST .
- Moisture conditions-Drought monitoring on the basis of standard precipitation index.
- Potential evapotranspiration for the period 1971-2000.