Various Agrometeorological Products
Hungarian Meteorological Service
Agrometeorological Web Page
The Hungarian Meteorological Service (OMSZ) provides the following agrometeorological and climate products. There is an agrometeorological review done during the main growing season from March to September.
These products include (in Hungarian only):
- Agromet Analysis (Elemzés)
- Soil moisture and temperature Maps (Talajnedvesseg, homérséklet)
- Vegetation Index (NDVI) (Vegetációs index)
- Temperature Maps with averages and anomalies for the past 90 days (Homérséklet)
- Precipitation Maps with summaries and anomalies for the past 90 days (Csapadékosszeg)
- Sunshine duration with summaries and anomalies for the past 90 days (Napfénytartam)
- Dew Information only during growing season (Aszály információk)
- Forecast Maps with 1 to 5 day soil temperature, air temperature, rainfall, wind and relative humidity for the next 10 days (Elorejelzési térképek)
- Plant Phenological Guide (Növényfenológiai útmutató)