The following products or bulletins are provided by institutions or organizations in Chile
- The Chilean Meteorological Service (Dirección Meteorológica de Chile) produces weekly bulletins, forecasts, temperature maps, and seasonal agrometeorological outlooks.
- The Agroclimatic System FDF-INIA-DMC (Sistema Agroclimático FDF-INIA-DMC) offers agro-climatic, current, and cumulative weather conditions for its individual stations throughout the country. This website also provides a regional summary information that allows to evaluate certain conditions for crop management and potential risks, according to the requirements of Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) and Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
- The Agro-meteorological Manual includes agro-meteorological information generated by the Chilean Meteorological Service, through reports, bulletins and yearbooks, as well as access to data and dissemination of information.
Weekly Agromet Forecast
Chilean Agrometeorological Service web site
The Chilean Meteorological Service (Dirección Meteorológica de Chile) provides the following products on their agrometeorological web page:
These products include (In Spanish only):
- Weekly Agrometeorological Bulletin (Boletín Semanal)
- Weekly Agrometeorological Perspective (Perspectiva Agrometeorológica)
- Agrometeorological Forecast for the metropolitan region (Pronóstico Agrometeorológico para la Región Metropolitana)
- Temperature Maps for the Central Zone (Mapas de Temperatura Zona Central)
- Seasonal Agrometeorological Outlook (Tendencia agrometeorológica)
- Bulletin for cold hours for fruit growers (Tendencia agrometeorológica)
- Agroclimatic risk maps (Tendencia agrometeorológica)
Various Agrometeorological Products
Agroclimatic System FDF-INIA-DMC web site
The Agroclimatic System FDF-INIA-DMC (Sistema Agroclimático FDF-INIA-DMC) web site offers agro-climatic information for different regions throughout the country. This website also provides a regional summary information that allows to evaluate certain conditions for crop management and potential risks, according to the requirements of Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) and Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
These products include:
Agro-meteorological Manual includes agro-meteorological information generated by the Chilean Meteorological Service, through reports, bulletins and yearbooks, as well as access to data and dissemination of information.