The following products or bulletins are provided by institutions or organizations in Brazil:
- The National Institute of Meteorology (Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia – INMET) provides various agrometeorological products on their website including: climatic and crop water balances, an agroclimatological bulletin, crop productivity estimates, climatic disease risks, monthly livestock thermal comfort index, and estimates of monthly milk production loss.
- The Agritempo – Agrometeorological Monitoring System provides many agrometeorological products for Brazil at national, regional, state, and local level.
Agrometeorology section of INMET
The agromet division of the National Institute of Meteorology (Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia – INMET) is active in two sections of Agriculture and Livestock. These sections each produce relevant information and statistics.
Information and Products provided include (in Portuguese only):
- Agriculture
- Climatic Water Balance (Balanço Hídrico Climático)
- Agroclimatological Bulletin (Boletim Agroclimatológico)
- Crop Productivity Estimates (Estimativa de Produtividade)
- Climate Disease Risks (Risco Climático de Doenças)
- Agriculture
- Livestock
- Monthly Livestock Thermal Comfort Index (Pecuária – Índice de Conforto Térmico)
- Estimate of Monthly Milk Production Losses (Pecuária – Perda na Produção Leiteira)
The Agrometeorological Monitoring System of Agritempo website allows users to access meteorological and agrometeorological information of Brazilian cities and states. Besides providing information on the current climatic situation, the system feeds the National Agrometeorological Network of Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply or Ministerio da Agricultura, Pecuaria e Abastecimento (MAPA) with basic information on Brazilian agricultural zoning. The system users to access daily climatic data (temperature and precipitation), agrometeorological bulletins and maps that are dynamically generated. Data from 1200 agrometeorological stations from various institutions and different formats are processed and quality controlled before inputted into a central data base. Through the main web page, one can access regional and state level agrometeorological bulletins.
Information and Products provided include (in Portuguese only):
- Agritempo weekly bulletins and monitoring maps On the right hand side, click on the map of Brazil to access regional agrometeorological weekly bulletins.
On the right hand side, again, click on the state abbreviation to access monitoring maps on drought and 48hr weather of the state, as well as 4-day weather forecast for the state’s capital city. - Climate Change Maps
- Climate Change Publications from Brazil
- Section on Global Warming and Brazilian Agriculture Production