Various Agrometeorological Products
National Service for Meteorology and Hydrology (Nacional Servicio de Meteorologia e Hidrologia – SENAMHI)
Agrometeorology Web Page
The National Service for Meteorology and Hydrology
(Nacional Servicio de Meteorologia e Hidrologia (SENAMHI) provides a 10-day agrometeorological bulletin for seven regions of the country. These bulletins have information on the past 10-day and the forecasts for the next 10-days with several indicies. The most important are the probability of rainfall, posible dates of freezes, estimated potential evaporation, and growing degree days. There is also an monthly agtomet bulletin, bulletin on fressing hours on selected crops, agrometeorological alerts on severe weather (excessive rainfall, thunderstorms, snow, strong winds) and agrometeorological reports on various issues (phenological stages for selected crops, agromet indices for selected stations, etc).
These products include (in Spanish only):